Wednesday, November 5, 2008

obama won and i got a job

overall, a good week.

i'm thrilled to see obama having won. and that electoral vote margin pretty much makes me giddy.

but i'm sad to see that in 3 states(california, arizona, florida), a ban on gay marriage was passed. and arkansas passed a scary little bill to ban all gay people and actually, all single people from adopting. WTF??

in positive news on the amanda front, i got a job at barnes and noble cafe. i'm in training this week, and today i learned how to steam milk and when i've had too many espresso drinks ... it's about 2:30. note to self, don't drink coffee anymore. i was too jittery. and i didn't really like it.
tomorrow: frappucinos!
i hear that working at a bookstore cafe is kind of the perfect job for me. now, if only i didn't have to sell things, i think this would be true... but we shall see how it goes.

and last night i went to a run thru of the show i'm asst. light designing... a little thing called Romeo and Juliet, you may have heard of it? and though i'm actually not a big fan of this play generally speaking. it's overdone and rarely well done. but i have to say, this is well done. at least the acting is. i was actually genuinely blown away. i often find myself sitting in these first run throughs thinking, how much longer, this is so painful! but this one, no. i am actually looking forward to running light board on this show. theatre optimism is on the way up again in my little world. (new york, i may yet be returning)

a strange phenomenon though... with all of this working stuff i've been doing, i'm finding myself with much less time to watch and read all the news and crap i usually get into online. i feel so out of touch with the world. i keep telling myself it's good to be actually getting out there. i have been acting more and more a recluse.

it is strange though. i haven't finished a book in like 4 days. i'm actually still working on 2 of the books i was reading last week. i had to renew!

and i haven't had my designated kristin time.

but i did get to talk to kathleen last night, which was really nice.

one thing about working at barnes and noble... turns out, i'm still in missouri. most of the people working in the store have never lived outside of missouri, most of the rest never outside of the midwest. i am trying to control my thoughts and hold my tongue against the idea that this is something against them. mostly, i need to remind myself that i am not too good for this job. yes, it's true, it's not really aiding in my goal of saving the world. but maybe i'll be inspired. or meet the person who will ultimately tell me what it is i'm supposed to be doing with my life. (and confirm that it does not include an office)
but what i actually meant to say before i started sounding like an asshole there is that i have met some interesting people and had some interesting conversations. i hope to have more.

my thoughts are a bit scattered... can you tell? time for bed! more starbucks training and overcaffeination tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you could try to get a job at the library! There you don't sell books, but charge people money for taking your books for to long. This might be a better area for you AND you don't have to give up coffe or have a new stomache replaced cause you ate the lining out of the one you Got from drinking to much coffee.