Friday, April 30, 2010

The end of discovery

The end of discovery

Can it be? This is what I thought about st. Louis when I was leaving
the first/second (not the last time).
And about NYC, it's not that I have seen everything. It's more that
it's all been seen, done, and redone. What can I possibly create or
discover in this city that hasn't been created, discovered, destroyed,
and created again.

...and here it is. Just this moment I have realized that beyond
exploration and discovery, I still have a drive to create. I want to
create. Be creative. Be on the cusp, the beginning of something. A
part of a new and better...something? (world. I still want to create a
better way for the world. Yes I want to be a part of it. But moreso, I
want to be at the forefront.)
Surprise, self! I still want that.

(Edit: I still feel that new york is all done. still don't know what i might do about this feeling)

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