Wednesday, March 10, 2010

something must be done about his brain

or the room. i had a great night. saw a wonderful play with autumn (Present Laughter) and was enjoying my nice walk home in only a light jacket. thinking positive thoughts about theatre and spring...
i got into the house, and i checked for mail, i washed my dishes, and climbed the stairs, tea in hand.
and then, as i mounted the stairs to my floor, the negative thoughts just sunk in. as i walked into my room, there they were. waiting for me.
so i've decided i need to redecorate somehow. not sure how yet. maybe a little rearranging of the furniture, an attempt at feng shui perhaps(not that i understand that art in the slightest)
if only i could be sure that the snow was done, i'd take teh plastic off the windows so i could get some fresh air. Do i dare? i feel like to unwrap the windows is to ask for the cold weather to return. or am i being too negative?

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