Wednesday, August 27, 2008

getting there

I've noticed a marked change in myself over the last few days. I can finally feel myself starting to calm down. It's like i'm slowly crawling out of a hole in the ground that i dug myself into for the last week. or few.
I spent all day yesterday reading. I read Twilight, that new all the rage teen girly book, in one day. I had sort of intended it to be a 2 day thing, but ended up just staying up til 3:30 to finish it.
I woke up today with energy, and no idea what i was going to do with my day. It's the first time that's happened. I actually want to do something, to leave the house and be productive. So it's a good sign, i'm going to apply for a few jobs today, i already applied to volunteer a couple places, and i think it'll be a good day.

I was thinking this morning about wanting to teach english abroad. I still very much want to do that, and i'm not at all sure where i want to go. I guess i'm looking for suggestions.

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