Things that scare me:
- 5:30 am Physical Training. A mile run every day? Seriously? This is the girl who cheated at running the mile in gym class (don't tell my gym teacher)! I never cheated on a test or homework. Seriously, never. But gym class when i was in 5th grade, i cheated. Didja even know that was possible? I was always thinking outside the box...
- Uniforms. Scary, you might say. Yes! Scary! I am very attached to my individuality! Can i maintain my own self, not become a mindless government zombie, when they've got me in a uniform? And it's not just the uniform, specifically, as in the clothes i'm supposed to wear. It's also that i have to take my piercings out. This upsets me a great deal. I've had my nose pierced for 5 years, my eyebrow for 4. I went to the conservative parts of Ghana with piercings in my face, and now i have to go to California without them?! I honestly didn't know that i'd be required to take them out for this, and i wonder if i'd have still done it. You may wonder, why is she dwelling so much on something so simple as a nose ring? But for me, my nose ring is one of the things that makes me me. I have known since i got it done 5 years ago that i'd eventually have to take it out. but i'm just not ready yet. So in the next couple days, i'm going to figure out how i can either keep it in, or be able to take my piercings in and out when i'm on and off duty so the holes don't close up.
Things I've learned:
-There are different activity levels for the physical training, and we'll be put in groups with people who are similar ability levels. And i'll have to do pushups for 2 minutes.... have i ever done a pushup? Situps for 2 minutes.. that should be fine. and a mile and a half run. ha! i'd rather walk 50 miles than run one. but maybe i'll be like simon pegg in Run Fatboy Run, and i'll learn to like running as i do it. I'll let you know. To be honest, none of the blogs from Americorp people that i've read have really mentioned the PT, so maybe it's not such a big deal?
-I'm pretty much guaranteed to be spending at least part of my time in the Gulf Coast area, the areas hit hardest by Hurricane Katrina. I've also learned that there's a group last year that went to Hawaii... i've never been to hawaii. There's a lot of places on the west coast i've never been. and the gulf coast, for that matter. So it'll be cool to see new places.
-I'm never really going to know what's going on ahead of time. It seems that things change pretty much constantly, so my last month and a half of traveling without an itinerary will have prepared me very well for another year spent not knowing exactly what i'll be doing in the day by day...
And finally, my flight itinerary:
Flight# 939
Departs: STL 10/17 8:30 AM
Arrives: DEN 10/17 9:57 AM
Flight# 1157
Departs: DEN 10/17 11:42 AM
Arrives: SMF 10/17 1:09 PM
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