Sunday, October 21, 2007

i miss theatre!!!

I was reading the Sacramento News & Review today. It's their version of the Riverfront Times or the Village Voice. I was just looking through the reviews, trying to get a feel of this city. And i got to the theatre page. there's one page. there's like 8 shows happening in the city, and that includes community theatre all the way up to fancy touring shows. How depressing!! It made me want to be back in new york more than anything else has. Even though most of the time i was in new york i didn't see many shows outside of the one i was working on, they were there, and i did take the opportunity about once a month to go see a show that i had been reading about and was interested in seeing. Aah, it scares me to think of not having theatre in my life.


Anonymous said...

2,800 miles (pretty much due west on I-80!) and limited theater offerings place you about as far out of your comfort zone as you've been for a long time (London doesn't count with all the theater there). This is when your 'serving others' mentality has to kick in and sustain you. And it will, once the training period is complete.

Elenius said...

Is it possible to reach San Francisco from your place? It seems to me that lots of good stuff happens there.

And please please send me your mailing address. I'll try to figure out what to do with it