Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gold 1

That's my team: Gold 1.
So for those of you who already have my address, add that after my name to get mail to me even faster. Especially once i go out on spike, it'll be good to have my team on there so they can send my mail to wherever i am.

Now for some definitions!
Muster=meet at a location, usually in the morning
Spike- the official definition is a project that is off campus. So my 4 projects, which will most likely not be in Sacramento, will be called Spikes.
other little trivial definitions just for interest include:
BDUs-Battle Dress Uniform (our uniform pants)
EBI- Even Better Ifs-we have these response sessions where we say what could be better and what we liked. the what could be betters are even better ifs
NCCC-National Civilian Community Corps
POC-Point of Contact
POS-Piece of shit (what my TL called our current van)
TL-Team Leader
CM-Corps Member - That's me!

I'm glad to have my team now. And we have our Baseline tests in the morning. 6:20 am baby!
So after that, i no longer have to be nervous about the baseline, just the PT itself.
(baseline is the initial test, PT is Physical Training)

So wish me luck! Though.. by the time many of you read this i'll have done the test already.
Yay Gold 1.

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