Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hello Sacramento

Here i am, all Americorps-y.
All that "it sounds like the army" stuff? It sort we're on a military base. it's got a lot of military terms like "muster" and stuff. we have all sorts of rules about the uniform like how we have to wear the shirts tucked in, and the no face jewelry thing, and where pants have to sit and having to wear their belt and a certain kind of shoes and so on and no hats indoors and only certain hats and hair covers at certain hair things at certain times outdoors. No bandanas! Sad!
I've met a million people today, and i actually remember a fair number of names, but i'm sure they don't remember mine. it's ok, it's been overwhelming. The entire afternoon once we got here was spent standing in lines waiting to get an id card and uniform and room keys and steel toed boots (yay! i'm excited about those)
it's been completely overwhelming. I finally saw Georgia, and she lives on my floor, so i got to talk to her a little bit tonight. I gotta say, after this large sea of completely unfamiliar faces, it's really nice to see and talk to someone i know. (explanation for people who don't know, georgia went to school with me and is now a team leader here.)

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, to really starting things, enough of this waiting around!
But i have my room, my bed is made. my roommate is straight out of high school. Actually, she graduated early from high school. She's 17, turns 18 in 2 weeks. So the youngest person here is with one of the oldest? It's not on purpose or anything, the room assignments were totally random. Literally pulling a key out of a bucket. So it's ok, i don't think we'll be spending all that much time together, i'm pretty much guaranteed not to be on the same team as her. And i don't think the schedule lends itself to spending lots of time in the room. It'll be fine.

And now, despite the fact that it's only 9 oclock, i'm completely exhausted, i think i'm just going to listen to some music and go to bed. Goodnight!


Sarah Haendler said...

Wait. No bandanas and no facial piercings? I think it may be a good thing I'm too old to go play that game.

Actually, it seems pretty cool. I'm sort of jealous, as I need some sort of change and focus in my life. I'm glad you have a blog - keep us posted!

Abster said...

Steel toes! awesomeness!

mom said...

What is muster? Have you been able to run the mile yet?