Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yoga Zen

I realized tonight during yoga, when i was releasing stress and all that at the end, that while it is ok for me to miss new york, it doesn't make sense to use so much of my emotional energy on wishing i was in a place where i am not.
I learned as recently as this summer that it is only possible for me to fully enjoy an experience and a place once i invest myself in being there fully. Which is basically what kristin told me this morning as well.

Today was actually a great day. The daytime stuff was fine, nothing all that good or bad about the trainings. But after, i spent hours sitting in the grass with a group of people that changed constantly, having conversation, learning from everyone around me. And after dinner tonight, i went to yoga, led by my former pod leader, who was an awesome pod leader, and is an awesome yoga instructor. i felt so good about myself during and after the class. It was incredibly slow and relaxed, but i think that whether i realized it or not, that was just what i needed today.

And then tonight i watched My Neighbor Totoro with some friends! Such a cute movie, i feel so happy after that.

AND! I don't have to get for PT tomorrow. Wednesday is the day off. Yay!
PT's been ok, by the way. Yesterday was the first day and it was pretty easy. And today, we ran 2 miles, and i had running partners, we kept each other motivated, and even though i wanted to give up at one point, we ran(jogged) the whole thing, and after it ended, i was proud that i had been able to do that. I can't say i'm starting to enjoy running or anything, but i don't feel like a total slug. :)

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